About Me & NHV

Having a view of something that does not demand your attention is relaxing.

Nature does not demand your attention. Even in short bursts, like a glance out a window, it is relaxing.

You can have a beautiful view of Nature out your window no matter where you live.

It helps to mitigate all those little stresses that build up throughout your day.

Passive Stress Reduction.

Who wouldn’t want that?!

I know I would, I think you would, too!

Truth, I wish I had known about this nature-through-a-window ART in 2011. At that time, I was working in a basement office with no windows. It was a one-person office, and a good thing because it was pretty cozy in there, about six-feet by twelve-feet, not much room for more than the file cabinet, steel shelving unit, a desk and chair and me!

I’d had a couple of different offices in this job, both above ground, and I liked the job, but being in that cellar for six months was very depressing, and I never knew what I was going to find when I left work….one day I was dismayed to find several inches of snow on the ground. Had I known a blizzard was happening, I would have left early.

My cousin worked in a basement office for many years. I suppose it wasn’t only the underground environment, the job itself was demanding, but she experienced severe depression for years.

What’s the view from your home or office?

Does it make you feel good?

If my cousin and I had available a Natural Healing Views window, I honestly believe we would have fared better in those cave-like working conditions. People need outdoors and nature like we need air and sunshine!

If you have an underground office, or a basement apartment, or a home or office that lacks a beautiful view of Nature (for example, the view out my bedroom window is the drab gray wall of my neighbor’s house!), you have nothing to lose (except maybe stress) and a lot to gain (peace of mind and healing of body) by buying and hanging a Natural Healing Views window where you can see it all the time.

Are you someone who really loves nature but can only get out on weekends, or not even that often? The only thing that beats being outdoors is having a beautiful view of it all the time!

Please choose the scene that most delights you, click or tap on the window, choose the white or wood frame, and place your order at Pictorem today.

Thank you.

Michelle K Wood, Holistic Relaxation Therapy and Nature Photographer based in Boise, Idaho.

I am certified in Holistic Relaxation Therapy, and my intention with these Natural Healing Views window photos is to create the easiest to use, best stress-reducing, relaxation-inducing product you can find. It just doesn’t get any easier than hanging a beautiful picture-window of nature on your walls!

The locations were carefully chosen for color, style, and beauty, and to appeal to different tastes from manicured lawn to wild wilderness. These scenes were found in and around Boise, Idaho.

You may contact me by email: Michelle (at) Natural Healing Views (dot) com